What Is Atony of the Uterus?

Atonia of the uterus, also called uterine atony, is a serious condition that can occur after accouchement. It occurs when the uterus fails to contract after the delivery of the baby, and it can lead to a possibly life-threatening condition titled postnatal hemorrhage.

After the delivery of the baby, the muscles of the uterus normally stiffen, OR contract, to deliver the placenta. The contractions also supporte compress the blood vessels that were attached to the placenta. The compression helps prevent bleeding. If the muscles of the uterus don't narrow strongly enough, the blood vessels can hemorrhage freely. This leads to unreasonable bleeding, or hemorrhage.

If you have atony of the uterus, you'll need fast treatment to help stop the bleeding and to replace the forfeit blood. Postnatal hemorrhage can be very solid. Notwithstandin, previous detection and treatment can lead to a full recovery.

What Are the Symptoms of Atony of the Uterus?

The main symptom of atony of the uterus is a womb that remains relaxed and without tension after freehanded birth. Atony of the uterus is one of the most lowborn causes of postpartum hemorrhage. A postpartum bleeding is defined as loss of more 500 milliliters of blood after delivery of the placenta.

The symptoms of hemorrhage include:

  • excessive and uncontrolled bleeding following the birth of the pamper
  • decreased blood insistence
  • an increased heart rate
  • pain
  • a backache

What Causes Atony of the Uterus?

There are several factors that may prevent the muscles of the uterus from contracting afterwards confinement. These admit:

  • prolonged labor
  • very rapid labor
  • overdistention of the uterus, or excessive magnification of the womb
  • the use up of oxytocin (Oxytocin) operating theatre other drugs or general anesthesia during push on
  • evoked labor

You may be at a high risk of atony of the uterus if:

  • you're delivering multiples, such as twins or triplets
  • your mollycoddle is often larger than average, which is called foetal macrosomia
  • you're older than 35 years of age
  • you're obese
  • you have too much amniotic fluid, which is titled polyhydramnios
  • you've had many another anterior births

Uterine atony stern also take plac in women who get into't have any risk factors.

Diagnosing Atonia of the Uterus

Atony of the uterus is usually diagnosed when the uterus is soft and relaxed and in that location's overweening haemorrhage afterwards birth. Your doctor may estimate the blood loss by counting the number of saturated pads or by deliberation the sponges used to absorb blood.

Your doctor leave also perform a physical examination and to rule out other causes of haemorrhage. This includes making sure there are no tears in the cervix or vagina and that No pieces of the placenta are still in the womb.

Your doctor may also test or monitor the pursual:

  • impulse rate
  • pedigree pressure
  • cerise corpuscle count
  • clotting factors in the roue

Complications of Atony of the Womb

Atonia of the uterus causes capable 90 percent of postpartum hemorrhage cases, according to Blood Blood transfusion in Objective Practice. Hemorrhage usually happens after the placenta is delivered.

Other complications of uterine atonia include:

  • vertical hypotension, which is lightheadedness or vertigo referable low stoc pressure
  • anemia
  • fatigue
  • an increased risk of postpartum haemorrhage in a later pregnancy

Anemia and fatigue after birth too increase the chances of a generate having postpartum depression.

A sincere complication of atony of the uterus is hemorrhagic shock. This condition lavatory even be life-menacing.

Treatment for Atony of the Uterus

Treatment is aimed at stopping the bleeding and replacing the blood that was squandered. The mother English hawthorn incline IV fluids, blood, and blood products as soon as possible.

Treatment for atony of the womb includes:

  • uterine knead, which involves your doctor placing combined hand in the vagina and pushing against the womb while their other hand compresses the uterus finished the abdominal wall
  • uterotonic drugs including oxytocin, methylergonovine (Methergine), and prostaglandins, such as Hemabate
  • blood transfusions

In severe cases, the treatment includes:

  • surgical operation to tie off the rakehell vessels
  • arteria uterina embolization, which involves injecting small particles into the female internal reproductive organ artery to pulley blood flow to the uterus
  • hysterectomy if all new treatments break dow

What Is the Expectation for People with Atony of the Womb?

Postpartum hemorrhage is a major killer after nascency in countries that have limited healthcare facilities and a deficiency of trained health care personnel office. Destruction from postnatal hemorrhage is much less common in the America. It occurs in less than 1 percent of cases.

A woman's endangerment of dying from the circumstance increases when there are delays in transport to a hospital, in fashioning the diagnosing, and in receiving the recommended treatment. Complications are rare if proper treatment is given.

Preventing Amyotoni of the Uterus

Atony of the womb toilet't always be prevented. It's important that your Dr. knows how to supervise this condition in all stages of labor. If you'ray at high risk of amyotoni of the uterus, you should deliver your baby in a infirmary or center on that has all the adequate equipment to stack with pedigree loss. An blood vessel (Quaternity) line should be ready and medication should be present. Nursing and anaesthesia staff should constitute available the least bit times. It may also be important to appriz the blood bank of the latent need for blood.

Your Doctor of the Church should continually monitor your vital signs and the amount of bleeding that occurs afterward birth to find hemorrhage. Pitocin minded right later manner of speaking can help the uterus contract. Female internal reproductive organ knead right after delivery of the placenta may also reduce the risk of atony of the uterus and is nowadays a mutual practice.

Taking prenatal vitamins, including iron supplements, can also help keep anemia and other complications of female internal reproductive organ atony and hemorrhage later delivery.